113 - For the 12th Time One More Shot Sir (S7, Ep15)

We watch “The Time of the Doctor” (Series 7, Episode 15) where we discover the answer to that age old question: What Happens When an Arbitrary Number of Maximum Timelord Regenerations Casually Mentioned in the ‘70s is Finally Reached? (Takes a breath…continues…) Whilst said retconning is occurring, Clara brings a naked Doctor to Christmas dinner, the Cybermen get wood yet Handled and we see where Amy’s crack originated. Plus Friend-Of-The-Show-Denise shows up cuz it’s Xmas. All that and a regeneration? Goodbye Raggedy Man! Hello eyebrows!

112 - Yes Please The Same Shot Sir (S7, Ep14)

We watch “The Day of the Doctor” (Series 7, Episode 14) where we finally get the answer to that age old question: When did the Doctor Marry Queen Elizabeth the First? Whilst said marrying is occurring, the Doctors and Clara get an assist from a previously unacknowledged iteration of himself in the form of non-contractually-obliged iOs Doctor Version 8.5. (Ah… would it have Hurt if Eccleston came back for this? Who knows… I mean Who nose.) We also weigh in on the bonus “Night of the Doctor” short which bridges the detour taken from 8 to 9. All that plus Zygons!

111 - Gimme the Same Shot Sir (S7, Ep13)

We watch “The Name of the Doctor” (Series 7, Episode 13) where we finally discover the answer to that age old question: Why is Clara the Impossible Girl? Whilst said answering is occurring, the Doctor and Clara get an assist from the Paternoster Gang who show them this season’s big bad was inside them this whole time. We then revisit archival footage of (selected) past Doctors ‘green screened’ with a ret-conned Clara who saves the day and introduces us to a previously unseen incarnation of the Doctor. The only time that will ever happen for sure. Wait… what?

110 - Cheap Tequila Nightmares (S7, Ep12)

We watch “Nightmare in Silver” (Series 7, episode 12) where the Doctor and Clara take the universe’s most awfullest children to the universe’s most awfullest amusement park: EuroDisney…I mean Hedgwick’s World of Wonders! (common mistake, my bad…) Whilst we cheer for said children to be exterminated as soon as possible, the Doctor attempts to recruit Wicket or Griphook but finally settles on Porridge for assistance in defeating the Cybermen. They could have taken out two ‘birds’ with one ‘diminutive character actor’ is all I’m saying…

109 - Captain Morgan IS Terrible (S7, Ep11)

We watch “The Crimson Horror” (Series 7, Episode 11) where Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax are hired to find out why normal Yorkshire citizenry are showing up like cooked lobsters… deep red and just as dead (tho still tasty with butter). Whilst the Paternoster Gang is investigating said mysterious goings on, the appropriately named Victorian era villain Mrs. Gillyflower blooms onto the scene ready to re-pollinate Britain because of villainy! And then the Doctor shows up to defeat the Gelth… or the Talons of Weng-Chiang… or the Great Intelligence… or Mr. Sweet… or Lord Sutcliffe… well at least one of them. Spoilers… it’s timey wimey!

108 - Spring Break Despite Coronavirus (S7, Ep10)

We watch “Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS” (Series 7, Episode 10) where the Doctor and Clara encounter call-backs to the first, third, fourth, seventh, ninth and tenth Doctors. As well as call-backs to his own eleventh Doctor time line! Whilst all said call-backs are occurring, the TARDIS defends herself from scrap dealers, Clara searches for a ‘big friendly button’ and this Doctor tries to get to the bottom of why Clara is constantly dying in his presence. (Spoiler: these bastards don’t give up their secrets yet.)

107 - Hide The Booze My Folks Are Home (S7, Ep9)

We watch “Hide” (Series 7, Episode 9) where the Doctor and Clara travel to Tom Baker’s fourth Doctor era (that’s 1974 to you young uns!) and encounter alternate history’s Wolverine in an un-aired episode of Ghost Hunters UK. Whilst in said groovy era, this Doctor makes several call-backs to other past Doctors (holla to 3rd Doctor for Metebelis III blues stones and 10th Doctor orange space suit) and Clara resists the urge to ‘Farah Fawcett’ her bangs. Ask your dads about Farrah. Her poster brought most of them into manhood. Gross but true.

106 - Any Cold Beer Will Do (S7, Ep8)

We watch “Cold War” (Series 7, Episode 8) where the Doctor and Clara travel to Peter Davison’s fifth Doctor era (that’s 1983 to you younguns!) and encounter Jon Pertwee’s 3rd Doctor era villain: the Ice Warriors! Whilst said encountering is going on, Matt Smith’s canonical eleventh Doctor tries to warn the scientist portrayed by the prototypical bad guy from nearly every movie made in the past forty years (David Warner…let’s give credit where credit is due) that his South Pole ice cube contains evil! Evil I tell ya! (Grampa Simpson appears in this description courtesy of Disney which I assume owns the BBC and everything else by now.)

105 - Let's Drink to Armageddon (S7, Ep7)

We watch “The Rings of Akhaten” (Series 7, Episode 7) where the Doctor takes latest companion Clara to the storied planetoids in the Rings surrounding the planet Akhaten. Whilst surfing said Rings, Clara befriends a little girl with stage fright (Damn right she should be scared!), the Doctor barters goods with sales people using life experience (Like a Weeping Angel? Nasty!), and the planet Akhaten demands sacrifice by adorable singing girls (Run Annie! Run!). Will the sun come out tomorrow? (Spoilers: depends if it’s wearing a mask.)

104 - A Wheaty Bell's Oberon (S7, Ep6)

We watch “The Bells of Saint John” (Series 7, Episode 6) where the Doctor hopes that hiding out in the 13th century will protect him from having to provide tech support for friends. (Spoilers: it doesn’t!) Really committing to the Nerd Herd role, the Doctor returns to modern day London to suss out a WiFi issue. Whilst said sussing is happening, the Doctor re-meets the plucky eggs loving Clara for the third time and invites her for a long-term ride in his snog-box. Does she take him up on the offer? Not eggs-actly. (Spoilers: she kinda does!)

103 - Don't Eat The Yellow Snow, Man (S7, Ep5.5)

We watch “The Snowmen” (Series 7, Episode XMAS) where the Doctor mopes around Victorian London, bemoaning the fact that Rory and Amy are now free to live normal lives without his constant interference. Whilst said moping is occurring, the Doctor is unwillingly drawn into a mystery by an eggs-ceptionally mysterious young barmaid/governess named Clara. And…whoopsies…she’s dead. Will this be the last we see of Clara? Not this impossible girl. Not by a long shot.

102 - They'll Have A Canadian Club Manhattan (S7, Ep5)

We watch “The Angels Take Manhattan” (Series 7, Episode 5) where the Doctor battles the Weeping Angels from taking... you guessed it… Manhattan! Whilst said taking is taking place, the Doctor takes in the Statue of Liberty, Rory checks into a hostel, Amy journals, and River Song gets handsy. All joking aside, in this episode we bid adieu to the Ponds: my favorite duo of any-time-Who companions. And whilst singular companions usually get the most love (I’m looking at you Sarah Jane and Rose), rare is the duology of companions achieving that level of adoration (I’m looking at you Sarah Jane & Harry and Rose & Mickey). Amy and Rory Williams, I salute you!

101 - Three Patron Shots Don't Do Ya (S7, Ep4)

We watch “The Power of Three” (Series 7, Episode 4) where the Doctor meets up with UNIT: The Next Generation and the Ponds are bored by alien cubes that do nothing…until they need to do something! Whilst the exploration of said cubes is occurring, Amy and Rory go about their lives, the Doctor pops in and out occasionally and life essentially continues unaltered. Until it doesn’t. When that happens, the Doctor and the Whoby crew jump into action and stop whatever nefarious deeds from occurring. Like you thought they wouldn’t?

100 - A Moscow Mule for the Gunslinger (S7, Ep3)

We watch “A Town Called Mercy” (Series 7, Episode 3) where the Doctor and the rest of this Whoby Crew land in 19th century ‘Merica and meet another Doctor who does not appear to be from 19th century ‘Merica. Whilst there, the Doctor Back-To-The-Futures’ his right to become Town Marshall, horses point out they’ve been misgendered (you go Susan!), and Amy and Rory…help?…exist?…get paid? So join us in this homage to spaghetti westerns filmed in not-Italy (Spain?) that purports to be the US because of…budget? Plus this being our 100th episode means we get some of that sweet syndication moneys! Wait. What? That’s not for Podcasts? Son of a Mother F…

99 - This Dinosaur Wants Sex On The Beach (S7, Ep2)

We watch “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” (Series 7, Episode 2) where the Doctor and the extended Pond family join forces with (Yas!) Queen Nefertiti and that other actor from Sherlock (no, the other one) to battle Filch on… well… a spaceship full of dinosaurs. Whilst there, Amy shoots dinosaurs with hallucinogens (cuz it’s legal in Illinois now y’alls!), Rory and Pops Weasley ride dinosaurs (cuz why wouldn’t ya if you could y’alls!), and then the Doctor dooms his past-future-past self (it’ll make sense in 14 or so more podcast episodes y’alls… I mean… Steve!) to die at the hands of Ground Control. Can you hear me Major Tom?

98 - A Saketini for the Dalek (S7, Ep1)

We watch “Asylum of the Daleks” (Series 7, Episode 1) where Amy and Rory attend the most eggs-ceptional couples therapy session ever. Whilst there, the Doctor falls for an eggs-specially obvious trap by his old pals: the Daleks. Then in the aforementioned Asylum, the core threesome are guided in their eggs-ponentially difficult task by the never ever to be seen again expert computer hacker Oswin. And the crafty Oswin ends up eggs-punging the eggs-istence of the Doctor from the collective memories of the Daleks. Eggs-celent!

97 - The Doctor Drinks Mulled Wine (S7, Ep0)

We watch “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe” (Series 7, Episode 0) where the Doctor absolutely, definitely does not go to Narnia™. Whilst on the way to Not-Narnia, the Doctor crashes to Earth during Christmas and is rescued by Madge. Madge is a modern British woman of the 1930s which naturally means she’s forgetful and a bad driver (bless her heart) but ever so plucky! When the Doctor next meets Madge, her hubby is off to war, her kids are getting wood, and she herself is dropping acid. So join us on this discussion of the most Christmassy of Christmas episodes with friend-of-the-show Denise!

96 - Tom Baker 2: Genisys of the Relapse: Episode II

In this very special follow up episode to our latest very special episode, we continue our discussion of the classic era Tom Baker story “Genesis of the Daleks”. And unlike other contemporary Doctor Who stories, in this one the Doctor is mischievous, Sarah Jane is plucky and Harry is heroic. And when I say ‘unlike’, I mean ‘just like’. Except for Davros, the creator of the Daleks, showing up and throwing his metaphorical hat in the ring as one of the Doctor’s greatest foes. Well, after the Master…or maybe the Black Guardian…or perhaps Tim Shaw…of course there’s the Silence…etc.

95 - Tom Baker 2: Genisys of the Relapse: Episode I

In this very-special-episode of the podcast, we pay homage to our science fiction loving forebears by viewing an additional classic story of Doctor Who from the 1970’s: “Genesis of the Daleks”. Yet another recommendation from Friend-Of-The-Show Tim that I whole heartedly endorse. And by the nature of being six episodes totaling over two hours, Steve reluctantly acquiesces. (So write ideas in Fam cuz we do pay attention to our listeners.) There’s a whole lot going on in this here story that we are splitting this discussion into two parts. So come for Doctor/Sarah Jane/Harry chemistry and return next time for the Doctor/Sarah Jane/Harry chemistry! Excelsior! What?

94 - Intervention: Episode VI - Return of the Intervention

In this episode, we banter all things series 6. And by that, I mean we discuss what we liked and didn’t like as much about this block of episodes but mostly go off on a bunch of tangents. (“Bunch of tangensts’ is dependent upon what Steve keeps in the podcast of course.) Plus friend-of-the-show-Tim sends in another variant of “Fudge, Merry, Krill” (keeping it clean for the kiddies…at least in this description) saving us the effort of having to come up with any new games/quizzes for this episode. Thanks Tim! All this plus a tease of what’s in the next…”Genesis of the Daleks”! We’re doing another Tom Baker classic y’all!