217 - Gimme A Shot And Make It A Double (S14, Ep5)

We watch “Dot And Bubble” (Series 14, Episode 5) in which we meet the seemingly vacuous and totally-non-homicidal Lindy Pepper-Bean. We follow Lindy on her typical day: she wakes up, checks her social feed, reports to work for her daily two hour shift, narrowly avoids being eaten by slow moving slug creatures…you know, the usual. Whilst all this was going down, the Doctor and Ruby are shocked (SHOCKED! I tell you) to discover that Lindy and her wealthy, white, blonde haired, Aryan buddies are all racists. Except for dreamy Ricky September whom Lindy throws under the bus to escape being killed by Phantasm orbs. #JUSTICEFORRICKY. Unless he was also a racist then screw that guy.