33 - Girly Shot (S3, Ep3)

We watch "Gridlock" (Series 3, Episode 3) where the Doctor goes back to New Earth and takes Not-Rose to the place where 10 and Rose had their first date. Seriously Doctor? Whilst there, Not-Rose gets car jacked, the Doctor gives chase by hopping from car to car (not as exciting as it sounds though), the Face of Boe finally dies and we learn what the offspring of humans mated with cats look like (unfortunately, not as disturbing as that sounds). 

32 - This Craft Beer Blows (S3, Ep2)

We watch "The Shakespeare Code" (Series 3, Episode 2) where the Doctor and Not-Rose travel back to Elizabethan England to see William Shakespeare's latest play starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Whilst there, Shakespeare falls under the influence of a trio of witches, Not-Rose nearly manages to sleep with the Doctor and the Doctor narrowly escapes being skewered at the behest of Elizabeth I. Seriously, what magical spell does the Doctor weave on these monarchs? Well...we know it ain't expelliarmus.

30 - That Drunk Obnoxious Broad (S3, Ep0)

We watch "The Runaway Bride" (Series 3, Episode 0) with another special guest, Denise! This is the second of the New Who Christmas Specials where the newly single Doctor is introduced to Donna, accidentally plucked from her wedding by the Tardis. Whilst attempting to return Donna to the ceremony, the Doctor commits multiple crimes, Donna discovers her betrothed really loves a giant spider and we fall in love with Donna. Will we see her again? If we're lucky.

29 - The Second Intervention

In this episode, Steve and John ramble on about their fan-girl love for David Tenant's first series of portraying the Doctor. Plus John quizzes Steve about his series two memories, Steve waxes philosophical about Scooti (just let it go Steve!) and Steve queries John about the Doctor Whoniverse whilst John dances around attempting to answer said queries and not break the timeline (too badly) for Steve. 

28 - Daydrunk (S2, Ep 13)

We watch "Doomsday" (Series 2, Episode 13) where Rose ultimately did not die, the Doctor saved the day but lost his bestie and Jackie got knocked up. Whilst all these shenanigans were going on, the Cybermen and the Daleks were acting like the Real Housewives of Cardiff by totally throwing down on each other, Rose bids adieu to the Doctor for the final (?!) time and tells him she loves him but he doesn't answer back. Awkward. 

27 - Distillation of Spirits (S2, Ep 12)

We watch "Army of Ghosts" (Series 2, Episode 12) where the Doctor, Rose, and "ghosts” arrive in London to have a lovely visit with Jackie and do some laundry. Whilst there, the Doctor meets the big hair in charge of Torchwood, Jackie impersonates Rose and Rose hooks up with old flame Mickey who brought some friends with him. And Rose teases her upcoming death... again.

26 - Beer Her (S2, EP 11)

We watch "Fear Her" (Series 2, Episode 11) where the Doctor and Rose arrive for the running of the 2012 Olympic torch but instead materialize in a "Twilight Zone" repeat. Whilst there, they also reference some "Shining" Redrum talk, SNL drawer-rings and even themselves with "Idiot's Lantern" nonsense. Gotta give it to 'em for the best Tardis materialization to date though.

24 - Malört, Satan's Spit (S2, Ep9)

We watch "The Satan Pit" (Series 2, Episode 9), which answers the query left by the last episode: what was in the creamy center of "The Impossible Planet"? Where the Doctor and Rose recover from the startling loss of Scooti by Rose channeling the Doctor to save the day whilst the Doctor has a heart-to-heart with some beast or something...or could it be...SATAN! Yep. Check the title.

21 - The Rise of Bile (S2, Ep 6)

We watch "The Age of Steel" (Series 2, Episode 6), the second part of the re-introduction of the Cybermen to the Doctor Whoniverse, where the Who Crew defeats the bad guys at the expense of the lives of alt-Jackie, Rickey and Old Lady Matrix. Also Mickey grows a pair and stays to become the hero his alt was all whilst alt-Rose's-dad denies he's the baby daddy. And the Doctor does some stuff.

14 - Intervention I

On this Very Special Episode of the podcast, your hosts conduct a Series One Drunktor Who Retrospective. Where Steve struggles to remember episode plotlines and John gleefully attempts to stump Steve with said episodes' minutia. No lessons were learned and no Nancy Reagan cameo either, just the usual tangential Doctor Who babbling.