133 - Passed Out Under the Table (S9, Ep3)

We watch "Under The Lake" (Series 9, Episode 3) where the Doctor and Clara travel to Scotland in the near future and encounter an underwater base in the one lake without an inland sea monster. However this one has inland sea ghosts! Whilst said busting of ghosts is occurring, Star Trek Easter Eggs are hatching, the Doctor travels to the past to see who is laying those eggs, and Clara stays to say she ain’t ‘fraid of no ghosts! Except for the apparent ghost of the Doctor. What?!? A cliff hanger!?! Tune in for the satisfying(?... to be seen) conclusion.

132 - This Blueberry Beer Is Peculiar (S9, Ep2)

We watch "The Witch’s Familiar" (Series 9, Episode 2) where, to no one’s surprise, Clara and Missy are still alive and mucking about in the sewers of Skaro with some past-their-prime Daleks all whilst the Doctor is seemingly tricked into giving creator-of-the-Daleks Davros some of his regenergy. Whew. Said that in one breath and am a little light headed. Anywho... the Doctor escapes Davros with the aid of zombie Daleks, Clara serves up a mercy... I mean... exterminate flavored omelette to the Daleks, and Missy is most definitely killed by Daleks. For reals this time. (Wink)

131 - The Bartender Comped Us (S9, Ep1)

We watch "The Magician’s Apprentice" (Series 9, Episode 1) where Clara and the not-quite-dead-as-we-thought Missy face off in contemporary Spain whilst the Doctor parties like it’s 1999 in 12th century England. When the three reunite, they are promptly captured by Colony Sarff, a slither of snakes disguised as a humanoid and employed by Davros. So of course we end up on Skaro where Davros reminds the Doctor that they met when Davros was a normal looking prepubescent child. (Wow! Adolescence was not kind to Davros.) Oh. Clara and Missy get killed too. Did I not mention this was the first of two parts? My bad.

130 - Relapse IV: A Failed Hope

We discuss a Doctor Who story requested by somebody in the past (I think): the "Doctor Who" TV Movie/Failed Pilot from 1996 starring canonical eighth Doctor, Paul McGann. Whilst we journey out of our normal timeline for the 4th time, we are joined once again by friend-of-the-show (and canonical spouse of co-host Steve) Heidi. Will there be incredulity at the many plot holes? Will there be mockery of the scenery chewing? (Looking at you Eric Roberts.) Will more than one of us have little positive to say about this movie? Yes. Yes! And most definitely: YES!!!

129 - Intervention VIII: F8 of the Intervention

The episode our fan wait for: Steve and John discuss the latest series of Doctor Who just completed. Said series being the 8th overall but the first for Peter Capaldi so you can expect bantering about his successes (and also some unsuccesses) and how the series landed overall. Plus (depending on what makes the final edit of our... yikes... 2 plus hour discussion) enjoy Steve’s five word summary of each episode and tolerate John’s descriptions of episodes from titles suggested by Steve whilst both hosts explore the topic sent in by friend-of-the-show Tim.

128 - Jazzed for Boozy Eggnog (S8, Ep13)

We watch "Last Christmas" (Series 8, Episode 13) where the Doctor saves Clara (and more!) from a severe case of (dream) crabs with the aid of Father Christmas (Santa Claus to us Yanks). Whilst said saving is occurring, the Doctor and Clara come clean to each other about their last meeting (awkward...), Shona auditions strongly for companion (sorry, Clara’s staying... so very awkward...), and Danny Pink visits Clara from the grave yet again (awk... actually poignant). Come for the recap and stay for the Clara-is-leaving gaslighting (aaand we’re back to awkward... sorry Steve).

127 - Hungover and Wishing for Death (S8, Ep12)

We watch "Death in Heaven" (Series 8, Episode 12) where the Doctor learns about Missy's plan (well... you couldn’t still expect to call her the MASTER could you? What with her lady parts and all...), Seb ‘squees’ yet is promptly disintegrated (see ya later Tenant stans), and Clara impersonates the Doctor (all I’m saying is a scarf woulda been nice). Whilst said cosplaying is occurring, the reanimated corpses of Danny Pink and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart save humanity from a fate worse than rotting in the ground. What? I’m an atheist... deal!

126 - Amber Water (S8, Ep11)

We watch "Dark Water" (Series 8, Episode 11) where Danny Pink dies and bargains for his future (?) in the afterlife. Whilst said Life Defending is occurring, grief stricken Clara drags the Doctor on a mission to locate Danny (umm... check the morgue?), the Doctor helps her look for him (umm... check the morgue!), and Missy explains why they just can’t find him (umm... check the morgue... duh). All this plus the horrifying idea that you have all the feels in being cremated makes for one of the most frakked up penultimate season enders. Now excuse me whilst I update my living will.

125 - Let's Call it a Night (S8, Ep 10)

We watch "In the Forest of the Night" (Series 8, Episode 10) where Clara and Danny Pink search for a missing student whilst on a school field trip to downtown London. When the Doctor locates said student Mave... Mabe... Maebh (really?)... the fun really begins! Of course by ‘fun’, I mean scenes taking place in a bizarrely empty London that’s covered in foliage, poorly green-screened wolves, and a tiger that escaped from the zoo. Plus an environmental message that culminates in the finding of a runaway sibling. Confused? Join the club.

124 - Flat Drunk on the Floor (S8, Ep9)

We watch "Flatline" (Series 8, Episode 9) where the Doctor and Clara travel to exotic (?!?) Bristol, UK. Whilst being punished... whoopsies!... whilst seeing the sights in hilly Bristol, the Doctor phones it in, Clara goes all 'Doctor Donna' and the TARDIS becomes the most delightful handbag accessory. We also get introduced to Rigsy, a graffiti artist who is totally, definitely, absolutely not Banksy (wink). Plus meet this week’s big bad: the Boneless. Still not as evil as 'boneless' chicken wings though. Cuz they ain’t wings! Argh! Don’t get me started!

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123 - Rum Slurpees on the El Train (S8, Ep8)

We watch "Mummy on the Orient Express" (Series 8, Episode 8) where the Doctor takes Clara on one last adventure since she’s vowed to Danny that she’s done with time travel. For reals! (Wink) So they hop on the titular space-train loaded with extras from a somewhat less racist Agatha Christie novel. (As if...) Whilst enjoying their 'last hurrah' mysterious deaths occur at regular intervals, the Doctor finally gets to see his Mummy, and Clara lies real good to Danny cuz she ain’t quitting. Good thing there’s no Unbreakable Vow in this Whoniverse.

122 - Don't Kill My Buzz (S8, Ep7)

We watch "Kill The Moon" (Series 8, Episode 7) where potential companion Courtney goes on a field trip to the Moon with the Doctor and Clara. Whilst said tripping of the field is occurring, the Moon goes into labor, Clara weighs in on Roe V. Wade, the Doctor tries out for the role of absentee father, and Courtney wisely decides to go back to school and leave space/time traveling for the adults. When I realize that Courtney is the smartest of the current Whoby Crew it’s time to end my episode description.

121 - The Designated Driver (S8, Ep6)

We watch "The Caretaker" (Series 8, Episode 6) where we Yanks learn that this title means "The School Janitor." Whilst said learnding is going on, Clara tries to find a work/life/dating balance and The Doctor tries to save the Earth from... an easily confused exploding robot? Sigh. So keeping with the confusion theme, Danny thinks The Doctor is Clara’s dad, The Doctor thinks Danny is a Phys Ed Teacher (rather than a Maths teacher... that’s right... pluralized Math), and Clara thinks Courtney is going to displace her as a companion. Cuz that’s what we thought when Angie and Artie showed up. Who? That’s what I’m sayin’.

120 - It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (S8, Ep5)

We watch "Time Heist" (Series 8, Episode 5) where the Doctor and Clara 'Doctor’s 4' an impenetrable space bank vault. After recruiting various criminal masterminds they recover items from the vault that fix their unwitting compatriots: Psi gets a brain implant, Saibra gets liquid courage, and the Teller gets their broken heart repaired. Whilst said heisting was going on, the Doctor discovers he was the man behind the curtains and Clara realizes there’s no place like home. Otherwise she’ll be late for her date with Scarecrow... I mean Danny! (Today’s mixed movie metaphor is brought to you by the letter D... for Deadline and Desperation.)

119 - Glistening Drunk Sweats (S8, Ep4)

We watch "Listen" (Series 8, Episode 4) where Clara has a disastrous first date with Danny Pink and the Doctor has an existential crisis with the thing under the bed. Whilst said events are occurring, Clara gets to timey-wimey a satisfactory conclusion for her date with former soldier Danny Pink, timey-wimey a new name for orphan Rupert Pink, and timey-wimey a safe return home for (great grandson?) time traveler Orson Pink, all whilst she timey-wimeys the fear in the Doctor that all pubescent boys have: someone is always watching what you’re doing in bed. Oh... the horror!

118 - A Shot of Wood Spirits (S8, Ep3)

We watch “Robot of Sherwood” (Series 8, Episode 3) where the Doctor takes Clara to 12th century Sherwood Forest to prove to her that the legendarily definitely mythological Robin Hood does not exist…until he ends up being very real. Whilst failed proving is occurring, Clara rocks an amazing frock, the Doctor and Robin Hood spoon plus the Sheriff of Nottingham ends up being a robot in wolf’s clothing. I wanted to include an Alan Rickman as the Sheriff reference instead of that stupid Disney cartoon so if you can do a better job, please email us at drunktorwho@gmail.com.

117 - Inhale the Fantastic Aroma (S8, Ep2)

We watch "Into the Dalek" (Series 8, Episode 2) where the Doctor and Clara voyage into a Dalek. Duh. Whilst said fantastic voyaging is occurring, the Doctor doesn’t shrink from his heroic responsibilities, Clara gets all pink from her meet-cute with Danny, and Rusty the Dalek thinks they found a kindred spirit with this Doctor. Plus properly killed Gretchen gets to the Promised Land and encounters the mysterious Missy. I don’t know about you but I think this Missy person has mastered her post-episode appearances.

116 - Breathe Deeply the Floral Notes (S8, Ep1)

We watch “Deep Breath” (Series 8, Episode 1) where Clara and the newly regenerated Doctor travel to Paternoster-Era London for some oddly misguided age shaming. Whilst said thinly "veiled" shaming is occurring, the Doctor reaches out to the homeless, Clara meets a missed connection for brunch, and Cogsworth practically "falls" for the temptation of flesh. All this plus the latest incarnation of the Impossible Girl: Missy! Let’s hope the show runner treats this season’s mystery with a bit more mastery. Hmm?

115 - Relapse 3D: Escape From the Rise of the Doctor's Parabellum

In this very special episode, we intend to discuss "An Adventure In Space And Time," the TV movie that ponders the creation of 1963’s seminal science fiction show we all know and love: "My Favorite Martian." But since I couldn’t find the torrent for the pilot, we instead watch the more on brand 50th anniversary origin of “Doctor Who”. Whilst said torrenting was downloading, we banter to and fro about said revelations and also welcome the return of the first Drunktor Who queen: Heidi! Heidi appears courtesy of the Ultimatum Beyond Thunderdome at the End of the World.

114 - Intervention VII: The War Doctor Awakens

We gather once again in order to shed some light on a very serious problem: the end of another season of Doctor Who. So your hosts shoot the shirt and discuss the extensive seventh season (we include the various specials of the Xmas and anniversarial varieties because… we just can, that’s why!) and toss assorted topics at each other to try and keep your attention. And since this also coincides with the end of Matt Smith’s tenure as the titular character, we also do a little comparing and contrasting from Doctors past. Plus Friend-of-the-show-Tim sends in another game for us to play… because he can, that’s why!