153 - The Top Of MY Food Pyramid Is Beer (S10, Ep7)

We watch "The Pyramid at the End of the World" (Series 10, Episode 7) where the Monks show up on our doorstep with that titular pyramid. And you thought the Jehovah’s Witnesses were annoying? (Ba dum bum) Whilst said parenthesized rimshot was occurring, Nardole settles in as the Doctor's seeing eye companion, the Doctor visits the World's Deadliest Indoor Garden (premiering Wednesdays on FOX), and Bill gives up on women altogether to declare her love for the Doctor. Poor Bill, if she only waited one more season...

Scaredy Cats Podcast:


152 - I'm Extremely Drunk. LOLZ (S10, Ep6)

We watch "Extremis" (Series 10, Episode 6) where the Who Crew tries to find out why everyone resorts to voluntarily 'checking out' of existence after reading an ancient Vatican text. Whilst said investigating is occurring, Bill gets Doc-blocked by the Pope, Nardole acts all butch by threatening to kick everyone’s ass (as if...) and the Doctor discovers most events in this episode actually happened on a holodeck. Except the reveal that Missy was in the vault the entire time. And no one was surprised in the slightest. Said 'no one' being Steve.

151 - Ugh. This Wine Needs to Breathe (S10, Ep5)

We watch "Oxygen" (Series 10, Episode 5) where the Doctor, Bill and Nardole take a field trip to a space station and find out that the answer to ‘Who’s there?’ is, zombies! Whilst waiting for the inevitable punchline, Nardole regrets playing hooky from vault guard duty, Bill nearly becomes one of the walking dead (can’t sue unless The Walking Dead is capitalized... oh damn it...), and the Doctor belatedly pays the price for giving away too much regenergy the prior series. But finally finds an appropriate use for the sonic sunglasses! Huzzah!

150 - Let's Knock One Back (S10, Ep4)

We watch "Knock Knock" (Series 10, Episode 4) where Bill asks the Doctor the absolute worst thing one friend can ask of another: Can you help me move? Oh the horror... Whilst said free labour was being acquired, the Doctor was messing about in the dated kitchen, Bill was being called out for her questionable taste in music by her new roommates (who are in turn taken out by a wood lice infestation), and discovers her Landlord could give Norman Bates a run for creeper with the most Mommy issues. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

149 - This Many Fingers of Scotch on Ice (S10, Ep3)

We watch "Thin Ice" (Series 10, Episode 3) where the Tardis takes the Doctor and Bill to early 19th century London in order to experience racism first hand in the era of not-yet-banned slavery. Good times... good times... Whilst Bill was rightfully questioning if her appearance would draw attention, the Doctor was wrongfully assuming this episode’s big bad was not of this world. Alas... our baddie was just a regular human rich white racist that knew he was above the law and willing to sacrifice those 'beneath' him for financial gains. Good times... good times...

148 - Smiling Through the Hangover (S10, Ep2)

We watch "Smile" (Series 10, Episode 2) where the Doctor takes new companion Bill on her first fully fledged companion-y adventure! Does he take her to the distant past? Does he take her to the distant future? Let’s spin the wheel to find out! No whammies! No whammies! Doot... dooot... doooot... distant future it is! So whilst at an apparently uncolonized off-earth colony, newly sentient robots think gel cubes are haute cuisine, the Doctor takes time to do some composting and Bill (unlike the unfeeling dolphin tattoo on her lower back) wears her emoji-nal emotions on her upper back.

147 - Water is the New Rosé (S10, Ep1)

We watch "The Pilot" (Series 10, Episode 1) where the Doctor coasts along as a chilly college professor until new companion Bill Potts tries to soft reboot him into giving a damn again. Whilst said thaw is occurring, a shoddily reconstructed Nardole is falling to pieces, Bill meets the woman of her dreams who just wants to make Bill wet (unfortunately in a non-consensual way), and the Doctor finds the drive to travel again... as long as the mysterious vault he and Nardole are guarding remains sealed. To paraphrase Brad Pitt’s character in "Seven," What’s in the vault Doctor?

146 - 5th The Relapse: A New Betwinning

Join us for a very special Fifth Relapse where we watch an original flavor episode of Doctor Who that does not star Tom Baker! Instead, we watch the first full story of COLIN Baker’s reign as our beloved Timelord: "The Twin Dilemma"! Wait... what? This one? Oh crap... Hopefully you’ll still listen whilst we discuss the sixth Doctor’s apparent propensity for violence, misogyny, and (most importantly!) terrible sense of fashion!

145 - R9: Attack of the Intervention

The illustrious hosts of this long running podcast discuss what makes series nine of the rebooted long running series "Doctor Who" happily succeed yet still sadly "suck seed" in the very same season. Whilst said discussions of said contradictions are contradictorily being discussed, John sadly recycles talking points of prior discussions, Steve gamely introduces talking points not previously discussed, and friend-of-the-show Tim produces ponderings that perplex co-podcaster John precipitously. Excelsior!

144 - I'm Recommitted to Drinking in Person (S9, Ep14)

We watch "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" (Series 9, Episode 14) where the Doctor travels to post 1920s New York City circa 1994 in order to fix the time conundrum created when he doomed Amy and Rory to die in the past of their future selves due to their deaths being a fixed point-in-time... oi vey! Whilst hopeful doom-fixing was occurring, Nardole was repaired to companion status, overly trusting Grant was made into an overly Super... let’s say... Man, and Lucy gets visited by The Ghost... of present Christmas. Oh, didn’t we say this was another Christmas episode with no guest-of-the-pod-Denise? Our bad.

143 - Come By When My Wife Is Drunk (S9, Ep 13)

We watch "The Husbands of River Song" (Series 9, Episode 13) where (spoilers!) this Doctor meets up with his clueless wife River Song whilst she adds to her polyamorous menagerie of spouses. Whilst said polyamory is occurring, the Doctor says "Hello Sweetie" to River who finally recognizes him whilst she plots the death of her latest husband, King Hydroflax. Afterwards, River and the Doctor meet up for their final date at the Singing Towers of Darillium. What with his new haircut and suit and tears and foreknowledge of their penultimate time together... I’m not crying! You’re crying!

142 - Now I'm Hella Wasted (S9, Ep12)

We watch "Hell Bent" (Series 9, Episode 12) where the Doctor, now freed from his confession dial after billions of years, chooses to forgive his fellow Time Lords for their part in Clara’s death... psych! Instead he choo-choo-chooses to go all out War Doctor Redux against Gallifrey! Whilst the Doctor’s Revengering is occurring, he gives the General a total makeover, he brings back Clara as the unliving dead, plus tests Ashildr’s recall at the End-Of-The-Universe. Not to be confused with the Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. Try the beef. He’ll tell you he’s delicious...

141 - I'm Hardly Drunk (S9, Ep11)

We watch "Heaven Sent" (Series 9, Episode 11) where the Doctor gets beamed to Azkaban after witnessing the absolutely final no-take-backs death of beloved (by dozens) companion Clara. Whilst at said remote locale, the Doctor repeatedly evades the world’s slowest Dementor, the Doctor also takes up extreme gardening and finally the Doctor belatedly realizes he is the star of a "Groundhog Day" reboot. So join us on the next episode of the Drunktor Who Podcast where we watch "Heaven Sent" (Series 9, Episode 11) where the Doctor gets beamed to Azkaban after witnessing the absolutely final no-take-backs death of beloved (by dozens) companion Clara. Whilst at said remote locale, the Doctor repeatedly evades the world’s slowest Dementor, the Doctor also takes up extreme gardening and finally the Doctor belatedly realizes he is the star of a "Groundhog Day" reboot. So join us on the next episode of the Drunktor Who Podcast where we watch "Heaven Sent" (Series 9, Episode 11) where the Doctor gets beamed to Azkaban after witnessing the absolutely final no-take-backs death of beloved (by dozens) companion Clara. Whilst at said remote locale, the Doctor repeatedly evades the world’s slowest Dementor, the Doctor also takes up extreme gardening and finally the Doctor belatedly realizes he is the star of a "Groundhog Day" reboot. So join us on the next episode of the Drunktor Who Podcast where we watch "Heaven Sent" (Series 9, Episode 11) where the Doctor gets beamed to Azkaban after witnessing the absolutely final no-take-backs death of beloved (by dozens) companion Clara. Did I get you babe?

140 - Face Down in the Gutter (S9, Ep10)

We watch “Face The Raven” (Series 9, Episode 10) where the Doctor and Clara meet back up with London street artist Rigsy to see his new neck tattoo. Whilst said ‘appreciation’ of bad decision making is occurring, the woman now known as Me (previously known as Ashildr) has set a trap for the Doctor, said trap causes the completely avoidable death of Clara and the Doctor vows to avenge her death. Wow. What an amazing send off for a companion. Let’s hope no future episodes undermine this emotional exit. Right? Oh crap…

139 - No More Blackouts This Time I Swear (S9, Ep9)

We watch "Sleep No More" (Series 9, Episode 9) where the Doctor and Clara encounter evil 38th century eye-boogers. Whilst said eye-booger encountering was occurring, it turns out the entire episode was likely fraudulent found footage. Or it wasn’t. Darn you writer Mark Gattis... you’re supposed to be Sherlock Holmes’ smarter brother... why did you write yet another unloved Who episode?!?

138 - My Pub Crawl Intervention (S9, Ep8)

We watch "The Zygon Inversion" (Series 9, Episode 8) where the Doctor and erstwhile companion Osgood make an early departure from their flight due to rabid Zygon anti-human-maskers. Whilst said 'peaceful' protestation is occurring, Clara attempts to isolate herself from... herself (?), Osgood brings Bonnie into her 'friend bubble', and the Doctor prevents the vocal minority from unboxing the 'big lie'. Wait a tic... wasn’t this broadcast in 2015? Then why does this feel so familiar? Hmm.

137 - My Pub Crawl Vacation (S9, Ep7)

We watch "The Zygon Invasion" (Series 9, Episode 7) where the Doctor goes to Press Your Luck, Pennsylvania in order to save the not quite dead as we were lead to believe Osgood from rogue Zygons. Whilst the Doctor is in Joker’s Wild, Wisconsin, Clara gets captured by Zygons who think wearing human masks is stealing their rights, Zygon Bonnie takes Clara's place and says it’s all fake news, plus UNIT Leader Kate Stewart gets called out as a 'Karen' in Family Feud, Missouri. Did you think this would be resolved in one episode? Silly listeners.

136 - Me Am Woman, Me Am Drunk (S9, Ep6)

We watch "The Woman Who Lived" (Series 9, Episode 6) where the Doctor and Clara re-encounter Ashildr from the prior episode some 800 years later (who would have thought that could coincidentally have happened...) whilst now known as Me. So Now-Known-As-Me has lived a bitter long time. N.K.A.Me holds the Doctor responsible for all the crappy bits of her long life. N.K.A.Me has an evil kitty (I know...redundant!) that shows her she should follow the less evil path. Will Me appear again? Me ain’t telling. But John is saying yep. Me will.

135 - Drunk Girl Who Cried (S9, Ep5)

We watch “The Girl Who Died” (Series 9, Episode 5) where the Whonamic Duo of the Doctor and Clara encounter a Viking ancestor of Steve's named Ashildr. Whilst said family reunion is occurring, Norse god Odin shows up proving Disney is no marvel of history, Ashildr dies after ensuring her peoples will live on, and the Doctor rewards Ashildr’s sacrifice with kindly granting her the curse of immortality. Will Ashildr be bitter? She assuredly will. Did I not mention this was a two parter? I assuredly meant to. My bad.

134 - After the Blackout, Nothing (S9, Ep4)

We watch “Before The Flood” (Series 9, Episode 4) where Clara fends off the advances of future/past Ghost Doctor and past Doctor fights off the advances of the Mork-free Fisher King from 1980. Whilst said Nanu Nanu-ing is occurring [ask your Coke (wink) addled parents younglings], the Doctor proves to be the Ace of Bass-ing, Clara is forced to read the Doctor’s cue cards, and the Fisher King is far less hairy than expected. (Google Robin Williams body hair if you dare... shudder) All this and a bootstrap paradox? Sweet!