172 - I'll Never Drink Again (Today) (S11, Ep11)

We watch "Resolution" (Series 11, Episode 11) where the Doctor and her traveling companions skip over the usual Winter Solstice celebration and jump directly to the Druidic Bacchanalia! Whilst said New Year's recovery is occurring the gang gets a distress call from Earth warning them that some archaeologists in Sheffield (of all places) are working on the holiday. As a result, Yaz whips into cop mode, Ryan slams his suddenly less absent absentee father, Graham goes full on Grandad, and the Doctor encounters another Dalek. That none of the Earthlings don’t know about. Again. Sigh...

171 - We Drank a Bottle of Rotgut Tequila, Again (S11, Ep10)

We watch "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" (Series 11, Episode 10) where the Fam answer a distress call on said planet but (probably due to budget constraints) miss out on said action. Whilst puttering about waiting for something to happen, Ryan goes on a rescue mission, Graham goes on a revenge mission, Yaz goes on mission of discovery, and the Doctor discovers her old friend Tim Shaw... er... Tzim-Sha! If you guessed this was the exciting season finale, how in the hell did you know? And where was the freaking 'Battle'? Sheesh.

170 - It's Two For One Day So Drink Up (S11, Ep9)

We watch "It Takes You Away" (Series 11, Episode 10) where the Doctor and entourage materialize at a remote scary cabin in present day Norway. Whilst at said cabin they discover Hanne, a young blind girl who’s father has disappeared... presumably taken by horrific creatures she hears outside. A mystery? Oh, it’s on! Ryan discovers the scary monsters outside are a hoax and the Doctor finds Hanne’s father who proves to be a super creep preferring to live in a fantasy world away from his daughter. Lastly Graham reconnects with his dead wife Grace who winds up really being a chatty frog on a chair. Mystery solved, right? Right?!?

169 (Noice) - Found Me A New Brewpub (S11, Ep8)

We watch "The Witchfinders" (Series 11, Episode 8) where the Doctor and the Whoby Crew land in 17th century England and find some fun loving Wiccans! Whilst it didn't go down in that exact way, they did encounter some smart unmarried women... who were unfortunately thought to be be consorting with the devil since they were... smart unmarried women? Sigh. So come for the period misogyny, King James, apple dunking, Morax was criminals, and stay for the... same?

168 - Slainté (S11, Ep7)

We watch "Kerblam!" (Series 11, Episode 7) where the Doctor and her companions find jobs to help pay for the Doctor’s fez addiction. Whilst manual laboring at the Kerblam! distribution center, the Doctor investigates some spooky goings on, Ryan has order fulfillment PTSD, Yaz bonds with her mentor Dan (umm... not so fast there Yaz), and Graham plays matchmaker for coworkers Kira (ouch!) and Charlie (oops... new choice!). This episode has been brought to you by Big Corporation. Say it with me children: Greed. Is. Good.

167 - Indian Spirits Make Me The Devil (S11, Ep6)

We watch "Demons of the Punjab" (Series 11, Episode 6) where the Doctor takes the Fam to witness the (first?!?) wedding of Yaz's Grandmother. Whilst in India circa 1947, Yaz learns that her Grandma Umbreen unsuccessfully married for love, Graham and Ryan learn racism isn’t just about the color of your skin, and the Doctor realizes (again?) that humanity's worst enemy is humanity (we're really sorry for that misplaced suspicion Thijarians). This episode is brought to you by History so do yourself a favor and learn from it.

166 - My Head Is Beating Like a Conga Drum (S11, Ep5)

We Watch "The Tsuranga Conundrum" (Series 11, Episode 5) where the Who Crew wakes up on the titular medical ship after a metal detecting mission goes horribly wrong. Whilst recuperating on the Tsuranga, the Doctor battles latest-enemy-of-the-week-Pting (definitely not Stitch... OK Disney lawyers?) to keep them from eating the ship, Graham and Ryan play mid-husband assisting Yoss in the birth of his own baby (in case I haven't made it clear enough... Yoss is a dude birthing a baby from his own body... OK?) and Yaz... helps? This episode has been brought to you by show producers trying to figure out how to write for two female leads.

165 - Two Spider Bites My Good Man (S11, Ep4)

We watch "Arachnids in the UK" (Series 11, Episode 4) where the Doctor finally gets her unwitting crew back to Sheffield safe and soundish. Whilst there, Yaz has the Doctor around for a poorly home-cooked meal, Ryan deflects advances from both Yaz's sister and multiple eight-legged freaks, plus Graham has a lovely chat with his dead wife... until a giant spider shows up. As they do. This episode has been brought to you by the letter T for "This Didn’t Scare You Off Traveling With The Doctor Even After The Giant Fracking Spiders!?".

Scaredy Cats Podcast:


164 - The Bus Is My Designated Driver (S11, Ep3)

We watch "Rosa" (Series 11, Episode 3) where the Doctor and the Who Crew travel to 1950s Alabama, USA. Whilst there, our non-white appearing time travelers encounter good old southern "hospitality" from the "period-accurate-properly-white" natives, then our white appearing time travelers enjoy genuine good old southern hospitality, and finally our non-white genuine hero Rosa Parks encounters galactic level racism from time traveling piece of crap Krasko. This episode has been respectfully brought to you by American fans of Doctor Who debating the appropriateness of a British entertainment program rehashing genuinely American fixed points in time.

163 - They're Monumentally Buzzed (S11, Ep2)

We watch "The Ghost Monument" (Series 11, Episode 2) where the Doctor and her new friends put out their thumbs hoping for a lift whilst in the vacuum of space. Their hitchhiking attempt successful, they get caught up in the latest series of The Amazing Race: Galactic Edition and are tasked to finding the titular Ghost Monument. Will their next clue take them to the desolate planet of Desolation? Definitely! Will the Monument end up being the TARDIS? Spoilers! Will the Doctor's new friends do anything to warrant me using their names? Nope... not yet!

162 - OMG, She's Falling Down Drunk (S11, Ep1)

We watch "The Woman Who Fell To Earth" (Series 11, Episode 1) where the newly regenerated Doctor attempts to do what David Bowie's alien perfected 42 years prior to her, then current, introduction. (Seriously... 42 years? The answer to the ultimate question? Douglas Adams's estate is totally rolling around the graveyard.) Whilst said introduction was occurring, the Doctor meets her latest nemesis: Tim Shaw (or Tzim-Sha... depending on your planetary birthing). But who gives a damn cuz Friend-of-the-show-Denise shows up to confuse Steve... to the delight of John.

161 - Relapse Chapter 6: Adric Dies At The End

We again dive into the vaults to watch a story from Doctor Who TOS (Those Old Serials): 1982’s "Earthshock." For this 6th relapse episode, we watched a 5th Doctor serial, making this our 4th official classic era Doctor PCE (Pre Christopher Eccleston). Whilst we marvel at the story's comparatively slow pacing, Peter Davidson's Doctor with his three companions travel to 26th century Earth and encounter the Cybermen. Of said companions, who survives to the next serial? Tegan? Nissa? Adric? Did you even read the title?

160 - x10x: 9th Return of the InterveXtion

Steve? John? Friend-of-the-show Tim? Discussing our just completed (re-and/or-first) watch of the 10th Series of 'Doctor Who'? Girl, you know it’s true! Steve attempts to get a Big Finish out of John but will settle for a Little Fake. Friend-of-the-show Tim asks us to recast Who companions and villains with comic/movie characters. All whilst John lazily microwaves the leftovers of past their prime Intervention episodes. Come for the conversation, leave with the food poisoning. Bon Appétit!

159 - Two For One Shots...I'll Take 13 (S10, Ep13)

We watch "Twice Upon a Time" (Series 10, Episode 13) where the Doctor has doubts about continuing with his existence after battling the Cybermen... but reconsiders after encountering himself post battling the Cybermen. Whilst said Cyber-jerking is occurring, "Bill" returns to show the Doctors what wonderful lives they had, “Nardole” shows up because... who cares... it’s "Nardy!", and then "Clara" shows up to either infuriate the Clara haters or invigorate the Clara lovers. Since I count myself in the latter category, I have one final thing to say on this episode: Geronimo!!!

158 - Gimme a Double for Last Calls (S10, Ep12)

We watch "The Doctor Falls" (Series 10, Episode 12) where the Doctor discovers that Bill has undergone an extreme makeover. Whilst said unveiling was occurring, Nardole gets all Little House on the Prairie, Missy (re?) grows some balls and takes out the Master... who then returns the favor (try to unwrap that time conundrum in your brain hole), the Doctor gets a visit from the Ghost of Doctors', past and Bill's new look makes former date Heather wet. Nice callback Doctor Who...

157 - A Shot Would Be Sublime (S10, Ep11)

We watch "World Enough and Time" (Season 10, Episode 11) where Doctor Who, Thing One, and the other one maintain at least three feet of distance so that they don’t accidentally remove an innocent's major arteries. Whilst said life protectoring is occurring, Doctor Who (aka Missy) gets in touch with her masculine side, Thing One (aka Nardole) mostly kills time 'til episode next, and the other one (aka Bill) becomes a fan of watching the Doctor on TV. Companions... they're just like us.

Pour Me A Camomile Smile Garcon (S4, Ep1)

On this episode of the Drunken Red Dwarf Cast, we watch "Camille" (Series 4, Episode 1) where the crew rescue said titular female android who is the sole survivor of a crashed passenger ship. Or is she? Well... she is the only survivor. But is she what she appears to be? Hmm? Whilst the crew wrestles with that conundrum, Kryten falls for Camille, Rimmer falls for an apparent female Rimmer, and April thinks they all act the fool. Oh April, what fools they truly are.

156 - A Scotch Manhattan My Good Sir (S10, Ep10)

We watch "Eaters of Light" (Series 10, Episode 10) where the Doctor takes the Who-by Crew to second century Scotland just to prove Bill's theory wrong about an historical event. Whilst the Doctor was eating crow after he was proved wrong, Nardole discovered he would rather converse with than eat said crows. Lastly, Bill ended up eating her own proverbial crow after learning she was way less sexually progressive than Roman Soldiers of the time. Why do post-millennials think they invented sex? I can’t even...

155 - Fancy Bars Don't Impress Me (S10, Ep9)

We watch "Empress of Mars" (Season 10, Episode 9) where much of the Who Crew travels to Mars during the Victorian Era to witness firsthand what happens to subjugated natives encountering a "superior race." Sigh. Whilst said cultural exchange was occurring, the Doctor wrongly entrusts his human friends with keeping the peace, Bill spends some quality girl time with said Ice Warrior Empress, and Nardole saves the day late in the game with... Missy? Bet you didn’t see that one coming. Oh. You did? My bad...

154 - Rye Neat Would Be Just Grand (S10, Ep8)

We watch "The Lie of the Land" (Season 10, Episode 8) where the Doctor taunts Bill into murdering himself knowing she’ll watch him regenerate. Wait... did he instruct regeneration in one of his prior well loved college lectures? Move along... nothing to see here people. Whilst we ignore the improbability of said lecture occurring, the Doctor does a bit of cruising, Nardole takes a six month breather, Bill spends time with her Mummy, and Missy has regrets. Wait? Weren’t the Monks in this episode? That’ll do pig...