192 - Drunx II: Drinking 'Til Dawn (S13, Ep3)

We watch "Flux: Chapter Two - War of the Sontarans" (Series 13, Episode 2) where the Doctor and the Newby Crew are all transported to the Crimean War in the 19th century... until some of them get honorably discharged to parts elsewhere. Whilst the Doctor remains on the front to battle the historically inaccurate Sontarans, Dan returns to present day Liverpool to whack said Sontarans with a wok, and Yaz has a meet-cute with new companion (?) Vinder… until those two are captured by the season’s big bad. Worst. First. Date. Ever.

191 - Happy Hour: Beers with Andy Weir

We welcome best selling author and humongous Doctor Who fan Andy Weir to the podcast where we discuss “City of Death”. This Fourth Doctor’s 1979 story was Andy’s choice not just because it’s a great story but for the sizzling chemistry between the Doctor and Romana... since the actors were frakking at the time apparently. Whilst speaking about Who with the man responsible for “The Martian” occurs, we all enjoy the story’s unusually witty dialog, get winded at the excessive Parisian running, and Andy becomes amused at our constant tangents. What? Are you new here? Oh... yeah... right...

190 - Drunx I: Trick or Drink (S13, Ep1)

We watch "Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse" (Series 13, Episode 1) where the Doctor and Yaz pick up stray companion Dan. Whilst our remaining Whoby crew adopt this good-good-boy for our abbreviated-because-of-Covid-season, assorted shenanigans occur. Said shenanigans include appearances by dog-people (the Lupari), crystalline-people (Swarm and Azure), and... potato-people (Sontarans?). Fortunately, the Flux itself is totally harmless... doesn’t kill billions of lifeforms or nothing... wait... what? Oh motherfluxers...

189 - Relapse 8.5: Booze...You ARE the Master

We conclude our watch of the 1971 serial "Terror of the Autons" where the Doctor, Jo Grant, and UNIT assemble to defeat an evil plastic intent on taking over the world. Wait! Didn’t we already cover that in Series 12? Well, I guess it’s timey-wimey. Whilst said story-pre-recycling is occurring, the Doctor finds he prefers cordless phones, Jo is most definitely not a flower person, and the Master gives away his evil plans. ‘No Mister Doctor... I expect you to die.’ I wonder how that worked out for him...

188 - Relapse 8.0: Booze Is Not My Master

We watch the first two episodes of the Third Doctor story “Terror of the Autons”, originally broadcast before one of your cohosts was born. (Spoilers: it’s Steve. John is older than dirt. Carbon dating certification available on request.) Whilst we enjoy Jo Grant’s first story and her groovy 70’s style, the sexism of the 70s... not so much. Perhaps the first outing of the Doctor’s frenemy will help redeem it. Hi Master! We saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe.

187 - 12th Intervention: The Drunken Dozen

Welcome again weary travelers to the latest season recap of our most prior recapping of the previously watched and/or rewatched series 12 of Doctor Who. On this episode, friend-of-the-show-Tim asks us to over-serve the Doctors, Steve asks John to Finish Bigly or Horrifically, all whilst John surprises sports-fan-Steve with a Series-12-Bad-Guy-Bracket. (The winner surprisingly is not BENNY...but should be...) There might be more. Depending on how much of the 167 minutes we recorded survives Steve’s editing. We like to talk with each other... so sue us.

186 - Revolution IPA is the Best (S12, Ep11)

We watch "Revolution of the Daleks" (Series 12, Episode 11) where Captain Jack Harkness busts the Doctor out of the Judoon Prizoon whilst the Whoby crew celebrate New Years Day by complaining that the Doctor hasn’t been around to visit. So anyways... when the Doctor returns to Earth after (for her) decades atoning for a crime she didn’t commit, she encounters various Daleks attempting to (again? yawn...) conquer Earth! Thankfully Yaz continues to travel with the Doctor unwhilst Graham and Ryan go off on a bicycle built for Graham. Cuz Ryan has bicyclaphobia or something. It’s a call back people!

185 - My Kids Drink Only At Home (S12, Ep10)

We watch “The Timeless Children” (Serie 12, Episode 10) where the Doctor is the latest guest on “This Is Your Lives”. Whoa! Whilst the Master traps the Doctor in the Time Lord Matrix (but not THAT Matrix™), the Fam+ (not to be confused with Disney+…the Doctor’s future overlord) take the red pill (staying in the real world…not to be confused with our current AI overlords) to battle the Cybermen (our actual robot overlords…all hail to Cybertron! Wait…what…?) And then the Doctor gets taken to the Judoon Prizoon in a small moon. See you in the Merry Holidays!

184 - Descension of My Buzz, Man (S12, Ep9)

We watch "Ascension of the Cybermen" (Series 12, Episode 9) where the Doctor and Fam travel to the distant future and find the absolutely, positively, finalist of all final humans (for reals this time... wink) holding off an attack by Cybermen. Cybermen who are attempting (rather successfully) to kill them all off. But, but, but don’t they like to assimilate humans? Anyways... the episode ends on a cliffhanger where the Master pops up all whilst other stuff happens prior to that big reveal.

183 - Frankenstein, Tonto and Tarzan Walk Into a Bar... (S12, Ep8)

We watch “The Haunting of Villa Diodati” (Series 12, Episode 8) where the Doctor and Fam crash a party at said Villa on a dark and stormy 19th century night. Whilst hanging out with party goers Mary and Percy Shelley, the Who Crew encounter a time warp (again?), that’ll take more than a jump (to the left), and a step (to the right) to puzzle out. Fortunately, there’s a guiding light in the fireplace. Unfortunately, the light turns out to be a Cyberman. Where’s a sweet transvestite when you need one?

182 - Beer Me If You Can (S12, Ep7)

We watch "Can You Hear Me?" (Series 12, Episode 7) where the Doctor takes a holiday in 14th century Syria after dropping off the Fam back in 21st century Sheffield. Whilst said day-tripping is occurring, Graham, Ryan, and Yaz all experience horrific nightmares that surprisingly don’t just involve them being back in Sheffield. After the Doctor saves the day (or rather the night...), she is a total dick to Graham when he stops being polite and starts being real. Not cool Doctor. Totally not cool.

181 - Paper or Plastic for Your Booze (S12, Ep6)

We watch "Praxeus" (Series 12, Episode 5) where the Whoby Crew investigates why the birds are going all 'Hitchcocky' and why people are dying unexpectedly. Whilst said people are blowin’ up real good, the Fam recruit even more helpers in Hong Kong, Peru, and Madagascar, until you need a score card to tell who’s Who. Thankfully, the gays live and we find out plastics are bad. So... yay and boo?

180 - I Can't Stop at Just One Shot (S12, Ep 5)

We watch "Fugitive of the Judoon" (Series 12, Episode 5) where the Doctor(s?) re-encounter their rhino-nosed 'friends' from the tenth era Doctor. Whilst said reunion is occurring, the Doctor learns a Judoon Platoon not from the Moon is looking for a fugitive by the name of Ruth Claytoon... er... Clayton (my bad)...located in Londoon...dammit... I mean Gloucester! As one dooes. But wait... Captain Jack is back! And Ruth is an earlier incarnation of the Doctor? What! The! F...!

179 - Elon Musk Drives Me To Drink (S12, Ep4)

We watch "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" (Series 12, Episode 4) where Nikola Tesla experiences (spoilers!) more than one night of said terror. Whilst said terror was terrorizing, Tesla and Dorothy escape an undead pursuer, Tesla and Thomas Edison escape another undead pursuer, Tesla and Yaz encounter the nasty alien Queen of the Skithra, and finally Tesla and the Doctor use Tesla's powerful direct current electric bolts to drive the scorpion-like invaders from earth much like his revolutionary self-driving cars in the present day. Wait a mo'. What the actual f...?

178 - So Much For Drying Out At The Spa (S12, Ep3)

We watch "Orphan 55" (Series 12, Episode 3) where the Whoby Crew transports to Tranquility Spa on the titularly named planet for an all-inclusive vacation. Whilst said cruise for booze is occurring (not in the sea voyage way unfortunately), Yaz rock-blocks long-in-the-tooth-Benni (Benni!!!) from proposing to put-a-ring-on-her-Vilma (where’s my Benni? Benni!!!), Graham gets banana-hammock-blocked at the pool, and the Doctor literally prevents Ryan from having awesome vacation sex with the duplicitous Bella. What a bock clocker. Dang Spoonerism... look it up my friends.

177 - Drinking Up With The Kasaavins (S12, Ep2)

We watch "Spyfall, Part 2" (Series 12, Episode2) where the Doctor traipses around time with historically important women as the Whoby Crew dances on their smart phones. Whilst said "traipsing" is occurring, Graham, Ryan, and Yaz successfully land a plane, elude scores of kidnappers, and do their part in foiling the alien takeover of Earth. Concurrently, the Doctor defeats the Master in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. Repeat after me: It’s Timey Wimey!

176 - Skyy Vodka Martinis For Everyone (S12, Ep1)

We watch "Spyfall, Part 1" (Series 12, Episode 1) where the Doctor and the Whoby Crew get taken to MI6 in order to solve a groovy mystery. Whilst said investigating is going on, Yaz and Ryan check out obvious bad guy billionaire Daniel Barton, the Doctor and Graham meet with McGuffin expert O, and glowing aliens are plotting to take over the universe! Oh yeah... perhaps I should mention that O is the Master and the Fam is gonna die in a fiery plane crash. Byeeee!

Scaredy Cats Podcast:


175 - Relapse 7.5: Doctor Who and the Deathly Daleks: Part 2

We watch the final two episodes of the classic series story "Remembrance of the Daleks" featuring the seventh Doctor and Ace. Whilst viewing Ace's unlikely survival from the previous episode's cliffhanger, we struggle to accept that two warring factions of Daleks are trying to... I dunno... fight each other to achieve the same result? And then when that fight is won by the Doctor, Davros is defeated yet again! Oh! Did I say that Davros dies at the end? Spoilers...

174 - Relapse 7.0: Daleks Are Forever

We watch the first two episodes of the classic 7th Doctor serial "Remembrance of the Daleks" where the Doctor and his companion Ace visit Cole Hill School London circa November 1963... again? Whilst pointedly not seeing himself nor his granddaughter Susan (it’s timey wimey kids), this Doctor Battles never before seen (at this point) flying Daleks, and Ace crushes on Sergeant Mike Smith. Unless Ace gets offed by those three white Daleks at the end of episode two. Let’s just say thank goodness her name isn’t Adric...

173 - Intervention XI - Intervention Ends! (Unlikely)

Once again, you’re tuning in to hear the Podcast co-hosts discuss a season of “Doctor Who”; this time a (re) watch of series 11, Jodie Whitaker’s first season as the titular character. As per usual, John gives an overly positive view of the season’s episodes, Steve gives his more objective opinion whilst Friend-Of-The-Show-Tim sends in a game for your boys to play. Plus John comes up with an exciting quiz for Steve titled: “Doctor Who Said What?” where the answer is either Who, Spock, Suess or Oz. We hope you like it cuz it killed in dress rehearsal.